Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Creating towards Sufficiency

Most of my life I struggled to be Independent and to follow my spirit's - soul dreams. I was designed to Create and any time I forgot that and surrendered to punching the proverbial 'time clock' the hamster died within the wheel. Even in those years I relocated my Soul every time I went out to the garage and created something that had never existed in the Universe, in that expression - since Adam. Often it was furniture or an artistic expression in stone or Poetry. My Life and Meaning was re-affirmed and I found the Peace misplaced again. Creating is like finding Home again - harmony in the family of your collective Being, the Symphony of Spirit - Soul and their expressions - the Body. I wrote in the forward to my book of Poetry ( 'A Swan's Life' ) that 'Our life is the result of the Symphony of Instruments that have played us into Song.'
I Believe those 'instruments' that create melody in us equal evolving love relationships with our Creator and all things made in His image, and yes even the suffering taught us the value of Joy.

The purpose of this blog is to encourage Creativity towards self sufficiency in every aspect our our existence. This would start at cultivating your trinity's marriage within, expressing Who you are outwardly by what you Create in life touching others, and rethinking your dependence on the structures we've become addicted to within society.

Living 'off the grid' ( i.e.: no longer or less dependent on gas -water - power - trash - oil companies is part of becoming reborn on this planet as a Good Steward of self and the Earth.
We will afford you opportunities you can follow links to which can accomplish all the above.

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